Damage to plants occurs when one of two types of freezing or frost events happen: Radiational frost or freeze happens on clear nights when the heat rises into the atmosphere and leaves surfaces colder. Advective frost or freeze is when a cold air mass moves in, creating a sudden drop in ...
Set your plants out after all danger of frost has passed. Start to acclimatize them to outside conditions two weeks beforehand. Leave them out during the day for increasingly longer periods and then, from the second week, overnight in a sheltered position. Plant trailing varieties up to five...
Eight weeks before the first expected frost in autumn, switch back to cool-weather lettuce varieties. In mild-winter regions, grow lettuce from autumn through winter into spring. Sow succession crops every three weeks through the winter. Lettuce will be ready for harvest 65 to 80 days after so...
Some jasmine varieties, particularly star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides), suffer in frost with their leaves turning brown and falling off. They should recover as temperatures increase. To prevent this from happening, make sure your jasmine is planted in a sheltered spot, away from cold winds...
which is a desirable temperature for catnip to grow in. The plant enjoys sunlight and they do not grow well in very cold temperatures, and frost is likely to kill catnip plants. Once all the frost is cleared, it is the perfect time to plant catnip seeds or shoots where your cats can’...
When to plant: In the spring after the soil has warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. May also be planted in the fall if you give plants enough time for their roots to establish before winter.Where to plant: Place these sun lovers in a site that receives ample sunlight (at ...
Lemon trees aren’t indoor plants, and can’t bear staying in a heated environment all year round. They need relatively lower temperatures from October to May, especially during the night. If you’re looking for citrus plants that cope well with growing indoors, check out calamondin trees, ...
can treat existing crabgrass using conventional and organic methods such as manual removal, applying vinegar, and depriving plants of sun and air. Then, you can implement lawn care techniques like using pre-emergents, mowing at the right height, and watering wisely to help prevent future problems...
Overgrown plants benefit from pruning off one-third of their size during the blooming season.After a hard pruning, water and fertilize immediately to help the plant recover and start blooming again. Water-logged roots hinder blooming, so ensure soil around the lantana drains well. If container-bo...
Fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants such as rhododendrons and azaleas a couple of times during spring and summer. Do not fertilize in the fall, as this can cause a spurt of frost-tender growth.