Vision may be impaired due to a variety of reasons. Some include eye disease, failure of the brain to receive and read the visual cues sent by the eyes etc. Most of the means that are available for vision impairment are devices that influence the visual-optical system, such as glasses con...
Educators who understand cognitive development in children and adolescents may be better equipped to help them learn. Explore the four principles of cognitive development, understand the sensitive period, and recognize developmental milestones. Consider the roles that nature and nurture play in cognitive ...
The paper is clearly of great potential value in attempting to derive and compare non-medical costs of visual impairment across four major European countries: France, Italy, Germany and the UK. This, however, assumes that the costs are generally accurate, and we explore this in the context of...
Most of the students covered by this study were passive and generally had difficulty in interacting with people. However, their indisciplined behavior in schools was found to be similar to that of sighted students. A few intervention strategies, proposed by educationists, are discussed here to ...
Text to speech can be integrated into business to help people with vision impairment or who cannot read screen text. It also offers up new ways to use apps and information. In a nutshell, the TTS and STT services are opposite and have individual use cases in businesses. ...
, most of these websites are non-compliant with ADA accessibility guidelines, posing a major challenge to its visually impaired users. Therefore, as a WordPress website owner, your focus should be to make it accessible to ensure usability by all people, including those with visual impairment....
Once you've decided which pages you need, your next priority should be to plan and structure them within your website. Establishing a hierarchy of pages is important for your site's navigation and to make sure people can move throughout the site with ease. This will also help you decided...
For People With Visual Impairment An estimate of two hundred eighty-five million people worldwide has some visual impairment, 39 million of whom are blind. Text to speech technology empowers those who cannot read from a screen to access written content by hearing it. If a person doesn’t hav...
Example of effective use.United Airlines redesigned its mobile appto be more accessible for people with visual impairment. Their mobile app designers enhanced color contrast, made the space between graphical elements larger, reorganized the app screen frameworks, and integrated the screen reader tools....
For many of us, daily activities such as going to work, meeting friends, or banking and shopping online are familiar routines in life. An estimated 2.2 billion people worldwide, however, live with a visual impairment, many at moderate or severe levels. For them, performing tasks that others...