Research (Cacioppo, 2003) shows that both positive and negative emotions are part of the grieving mix, sometimes even coming at the same time.) If they need a cry, that’s OK too. What’s important is to let the person lead, welcome, and attend to all emotions, and remember th...
“It’s not helpful to tell a grieving person all about your own grief. It’s okay to mention your own experience briefly to express that you understand his or her feelings, but not to the extent of making the conversation about yourself. It’s just not the right time.” “‘He’s i...
Even for people who experienced loss years in the past, the holiday season can still prove painful at times. Losing a loved one is very difficult, and the holidays can sometimes exacerbate the painful feelings of grief. When seeking to help grieving family, friends, church members, and neighbo...
While different people experience grief in different ways, there are universal themes that we can all relate to, such as the feeling of loss, hurt, and anger; and I am passionate about people feeling and being supported through the grieving process. Yesterday I watched a beautiful video on de...
It’s not easy to know how to help a loved one who is grieving, but these tips are a great place to start. In his documentary about grief, George Shelley uses an analogy of glitter. Toss a handful of glitter into the air, and it’s going to settle into all the cracks and crevice...
It wasn’t easy, but I can say that she and I are now closer than we’ve ever been and she really did rise to the occasion and was able to help me grieve and mourn. Helping a grieving friend is complicated by the fact that each person grieves or mourns differently, just as each ...
How to Help a Grieving Friend.(How to Help a Grieving Friend: A Candid Guide for Those Who Care)(Brief Article)(Book Review)Bethany, Susan
Tempesta, Daniella, LCSW.“The Perils of Platitudes–What Not To Say To Someone Who Is Grieving (And What You Can Do Instead!)” HuffPost News, June 4, 2016. Accessed June 14, 2019. Medical Disclaimer The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with sub...
It’s a sure bet that members of your team are grieving on unacknowledged levels—the potential sources of human loss are as varied as people themselves. Enthusing to your team about how great you feel to give up commuting, for example, is a giant stop sign ...
Grief literacyrelates to the knowledge, skills and values that help with loss and grieving. When adapting the concept for ecological grief, we thought about the differences between bereavement and environmental loss. Bereavement usually happens after a single event—the loss of a loved one. But env...