Dryden-Edwards, Roxanne, MD. “Grief: Loss of a Loved One.” MedicineNet, reviewed 2018. Accessed June 14, 2019. Vitas Healthcare. “Techniques Used to Assist the Bereaved.” (n.d.) Accessed June 14, 2019. Tempesta, Daniella, LCSW.“The Perils of Platitudes–What Not To Say To Someone...
If your cat seems to be struggling tocope with their grief, especially if it starts impacting their appetite, it might be time to ask for help. Your vet can suggest other strategies to help your grieving cat. They can also prescribe medications to help your cat deal with their emotions. I...
Her hands were shaking, and I could see she wanted to say or do something, but at the same time, she had no idea how to help her grieving friend.And, to be honest, as the months into my grief journey unfolded, my friend and I struggled. She didn’t know how to support or ...
It’s natural to want to help someone who’s suffering, but grief is no time for a know-it-all. Loss is a highly individualized experience and affects each of us differently. How one responds depends on many factors, includingpersonality, coping andattachmentstyles, biology, life exper...
Grief affects children just like it does everyone. It is healthy for a child to mourn a death, be sad, and work through the grieving process. Read on to find out how you can help your child or someone else’s child on this challenging journey. Our website is supported by our users....
• Attend to both the physical and emotional needs of the child. (Adequate nutrition, lots of rest, and a wary eye are your friends as you all begin your journey through grief.) • Funeral planning isn’t easy no matter what your age; but for children, it’s never a good idea to...
or more insightful when they have lost a loved one or a pet. This can also occur when smaller grief events build and become too difficult to process at face value; perhaps the language of asking for help is still foreign. This is an opportunity to educate the child and yourself about the...
As for information, if hospitals aren’t able to create their own psycho-educational bereavement materials, “they should have a social worker or psychologist who can pull together links to grief support and hospice sites on the Web, information that would help people understand what they’re goi...
While different people experience grief in different ways, there are universal themes that we can all relate to, such as the feeling of loss, hurt, and anger; and I am passionate about people feeling and being supported through the grieving process. ...
The point is, everyone has a different size of grief in their box at any given time, and that pain button might be getting hit every hour of every day after a very recent loss but less frequently after more time has passed. Knowing this is invaluable when trying to help others deal wit...