although the medicine science is well develped nowadays, there are still many disabled people living around us. their disability makes them live in a different way from ours, but they're also a important part of our society. so it is our responsibilities to help them. however it is hard ...
您好:How to help disabled people is very important in our life.I think we must have a good way to help them.We all know that disabled people not only body is hurted,also,their heart is blowed.So i think how to help them go out of the psychological shadow is most importan...
Howtohelpdisabledpeople Ithinkthesocietyshouldhelpthedisabled.BecauseIbelievethateveryonedeservesacertainstandardoflivingandthisbasicrightshouldbeassuredbythegovernment.Ontheotherhandit'sveryimportantforthesocietytohelpthedisadvantagedgroupsincludingthedisable.Itbenefitssocialstability.我认为社会应该帮助残疾人。因为我...
如何帮助残疾人(How to help disabled people) althoughthemedicinescienceiswelldevelpednowadays,therearestillmanydisabledpeoplelivingaroundus.theirdisabilitymakesthemliveinadifferentwayfromours,butthey'realsoaimportantpartofoursociety.soitisourresponsibilitiestohelpthem. howeveritishardtothinkaboutgoodwaystohelpdisabled...
解析 How to help disabled people is very important in our life.I think we must have a good way to help them.We all know that disabled people not only body is hurted,also,their heart is blowed.So i think ho...结果一 题目 帮忙写一篇英语作文 How to help disabled people如题:如何帮助...
however it is hard to think about good ways to help disabled people.after some days' thinking, i've got some ideas. first, we should treat as normal people. many people think, as they have many troubles in their daily life, we should help them to do everything ,as if they were chil...
How to help disabled people is very important in our life.I think we must have a good way to help them. We all know that disabled people not only body is hurted,also,their heart is blowed.So i think how to help them go out of the psychological shadow is most important...
however it is hard to think about good ways to help disabled people.after some days' thinking, i've got some ideas. first, we should treat as normal people. many people think, as they have many troubles in their daily life, we should help them to do everything ,as if they were chil...
如何帮助残疾人(How to help disabled people) although the medicine science is well develped nowadays, there are still many disabled people living around us. their disability makes them live in a different way from ours, but they`re also a important part of our society. so it is our ...
thesocietytohelpthedisadvantagedgroupsincluding thedisable.Itbenefitssocialstability. 我认为社会应该帮助残疾人。因为我相信每个人都值 得一定生活标准和基本权利,应保证政府。另一方面, 这是非常重要的社会救助弱势群体包括禁用。有利于 社会稳定。 Tobenefitsocialstability,socialcontradictions ...