How the United States can help secure CongoBen Affleck
If you’re enraged by Congo’s mass rape crisis and violent mineral trade, don’t stay silent! See our list of seven effective nonprofits working to change the country’s course. Donate and take action now!
The 9 Longest Rivers in the World: From the Nile to the Congo When it comes to rivers, longest doesn't necessarily mean biggest, and length can be difficult to determine, so the top spot will always be debated. Eco Engineers: 5 Animals That Can Reshape Earth's Waterways River-bottom ...
What can volunteers do to help refugees? There are many ways to help refugees abroad. Whether you volunteer in a refugee camp or with refugees, asylees, and migrants in the community, a range of skills are in demand. Specialized skills: If you speak the population’s language fluently, ther...
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) was one of the first countries in the region to diversify. It has focused on industries, such as shipping and tourism, that may help to facilitate other business, as well as on high-tech industries, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and chemicals. Abu Dha...
Jessica Biel’s ‘Naughty’ Elf on the Shelf Pictures Prove Grown-Ups Can Have Just as Much Fun as the Kids on Christmas OG Maco Pronounced Dead At 32 After Hospitalization From Gunshot To Head Judge Rules Against Heirs of Famous Muralist Thomas Hart Benton...
The mark I really want to leave on the science of food is how do we help communities help themselves? How does science feed the future? Populations are growing. Any solutions we offer must be sustainable — for all of us. Contributor...
In 1960, the Belgians abandoned the Congo, and the Haitians who made up the bulk of Kinshasa's medical community returned to Haiti. At least one of them took HIV back with them. There, an American-run clinic was paying for blood plasma donations. The clinic's reusable needles helped spre...
Help! I don’t know how to weigh my parcel. Weigh yourself while holding the parcel, and then weigh yourself alone. Subtract one from the other. Create a Shipping Label It’s easy to make a label online. You can: Choose how fast you want your parcel to arrive. ...
The country was forced to borrow more than it produced as a result and the government began spending more. It increased taxes to pay bonuses to independence war veterans, became involved in a war in the Congo, and borrowed from the International Monetary Fund to improve development and living ...