Your awareness of what you're doing will eventually help you improve your concentration, without any added effort. With this method, you'll eventually be able to pinpoint your most vulnerable times. Say you find a lot of tallies during the morning, when you're still tired and your mind ...
Scientists have looked at what makes usprocrastinateand found a number of ways to help us stayin the zone. One of the most obvious things is eliminating noise. Research by Science Focus magazine foundsilenceis best for concentration,...
怎样提高注意力(Howtoimproveyourconcentration) Howtoconcentrateisthekeytoimprovetheefficiencyofwork study.ArecentarticleattheUniversityofKentinBritain hasmadeadetailedanalysisofattention. Wecan'tconcentratemuchofourtime,butit'sonlywhenwe're distractedthatwecan'tfinishourworkefficientlyoreven makemistakes,andthen...
Scientists have looked at what makes usprocrastinateand found a number of ways to help us stayin the zone. One of the most obvious things is eliminating noise. Research by Science Focus magazine foundsilenceis best for concentration, or a gentle background hum and coffee shop noise is great!
◆Take good notes Get your pen working to keep your mind focused 5.Many learners ’brains don ’t connect with what they are working on when they ’re just listening.If you ’re one of those people,then move your pen and take good notes during the lecture to help you concentrate.◇做...
Help improve the flow of oxygen to the brain.Blood is the main vehicle of oxygen in our bodies. But blood gets pooled in the lower half of our bodies as a result of gravity, and doesn't push as much oxygen to the brain, where it helps improve concentration. In order to help oxygena...
where it helps improve concentration. In order to help oxygenate the brain, get up and take a walk every so often to get the blood pumping.If you're stuck at work and you can't really carve out the time for exercise, try doing exercises at work. These can include any number of thing...
concentrationhongstudysmartuniversity注意力distractions Howtoimproveyour concentration? StudySmart Skillsthatyouneedforacademicsuccess CounsellingandPersonEnrichmentSection,CentreofDevelopmentandResourcesforStudents,TheUniversityofHongKong StudySmart Skillsthatyouneedforacademicsuccess Counsellingand...
You'll actually improve your concentration by taking regular breaks, say, every 60-90 minutes. When you do this, stand up and stretch, or walk down the hall to get a glass of water. While it seems counterintuitive, stopping what you're doing to get up and move around will actually hel...
How to concentrate on studies is the biggest question that students all over the world face when it's exam time. Well, here are some simple tips that should help you with concentration.Human mind is tricky and funny in its own way. The more you try to train it, the more ...