Considered to be a mild and high-functioning form of autism, Asperger syndrome was previously diagnosed in children and adults that displayed symptoms like hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, hyperfocused areas of interest, and inability to pick up on social cues. Autistic disorder Considered to be...
it can sometimes help to sing a little tune in our head… “la-la-la”. Then, as our child is clinging onto our legs, we might casually acknowledge, “Hmmm… I feel you holding on… I’ll need to move your hands a bit so I can bring these things to the table...
According to the FDA, the NASEM (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine) will conduct a comprehensive study on infant formulas (including the current manufacturing practices and potential supply challenges) to help understand, solve, and prevent another formula crisis. (57) The FDA...
An autistic person will have emotional empathy, they will ‘feel’ how someone else feels, so detect anger or joy, but they will not understand why. A psychopath is the opposite, they will have neurological empathy, they understand how someone is feeling, and can even use this to manipulate...
Small children learn language at a pace far faster than teenagers or adults. One explanation for this learning advantage comes not from differences between children and adults, but from the differences in the way that people talk to children and adults. ...
My response to parents trying to reason with a meltdown child is “You are arguing with a 2 (baby, toddler, young child) year old, and losing!” Usually gets the parent to do something else. If I see a crying child in the store but parent isn’t trying to reason with them, just...
You know, a lot of parents talk about, “Oh my baby won’t eat meat, my baby won’t eat vegetables.” There’s, like, this anti vegetable meme that kids don’t like vegetables. And I don’t think it’s actually true. I think it’s that they were taught to like sugar really ...
Instead, focus on remembering. Say, “Did you remember to bring this home?” or “Please remember to bring this home today”. Be patient, as this will take time. It takes about 3 weeks for the brain to switch from an old habit (forgetting) to and cement a new on (remembering). ...
and perform the functions of a physician with assistance or assistive devices. But it is tough, both for the candidate at a natural disadvantage, and for the medical school to be able to accommodate their special needs. Yet, there are determined dyslexic, autistic, mute, deaf, and blind phys...
As I said, the nullifiers were not about to let that stand, even though it wasn't proof of anything, only very interesting anecdotal evidence that, added to thousands of parental accounts of vaccine-induced autistic regression, would have prompted urgent follow-up from an unbiased, child-focus...