We're learning more about the craving that fuels self-defeating habits—and how new discoveries can help us kick the habit.
Both cancer and fibrosis are diseases involving dysregulation of cell signaling pathways resulting in an altered cellular microenvironment which ultimately leads to progression of the condition. The two disease entities share common molecular pathophysiology and recent research has illuminated the how each pr...
I learned. After about three years of stubbornly not drinking, I relapsed. It wasn’t pretty and it almost cost me my life and family. It was devastating and demoralizing, but it did bring me to my knees. Almost!
The following day, Dunphy called Roff and immediately offered assistance – and he wasn’t the only one who wanted to help. Over the next two days, more than two dozen LFD firefighters and other community members volunteered their time to renovate the inside of the donate...
(AA) and SMART Recovery can help a recovering addict meet like-minded individuals who know what you’re going through. These kinds of support groups can provide you a sense of community and companionship that may be lacking in your other relationships. According to theU.S Department of ...
But as a high-functioning alcoholic, I still made my work deadlines. I was always around people who didn’t just use drugs; they abused them. And no matter how much I knew the difference between right and wrong, I was perpetually on a quest to distract myself from myself. ...
People have asked, what they can do, besides the obvious which is donate to Childhood Cancer, to help make a difference in this fight. If you want to donate to Ronan’s Foundation, even if it is just a dollar; please do so. I have almost 12 million hits
Some have relapsed along the way; some have not—but to varying extents they all remain aware and watchful of the possibility. Some clearly think that everyone would be better in the long run to live the way they currently live; others consider where they are now a personal solution for ...
In the study, approximately one-third of people who had been abstinent less than a year remained that way. But after a year of sobriety, less than half relapsed. Those statistics are encouraging, but making the decision to get sober is still tough. But while those first days and weeks...