Children with ADHD often have a harder time with working memory, which can make it difficult to focus and learn. Help your child build their ability with these tips.
For a child with ADHDto successfully study at home,a designated study space is a must. A designated study room or corner for your children can help them be more productive. It can also help their brain know it’s time to focus on their studies every time they enter this space. Decorate...
Hinshaw says it’s particularly important for parents to identify their child’s strengths, in order to help foster their self-confidence. He says ADHD doesn't just entail a series of deficits, but also strengths – in addition to their high energy levels, research suggests that individuals w...
AtMom’s Choice Awards, we know that kids with ADHD often feel out of control. By encouraging your child to participate in the arts, you can help them practice self-control so that they feel more confident managing their own behavior. Plus, art is an excellent outlet for your child’s i...
is too challenging, so the child has decided not to engage with the lessons, and let his mind wander. A gifted or brilliant child may need to be in a more challenging environment, whereas the child who cannot cope with the challenges will need additional help to make sense of the lessons...
helpless when trying to understand ADHD, especially if it's not something they encountered when raising their own children. While the diagnosis may be new to them, grandparents often want to support their grandkids in any way they can—they just need the right tools and information to help. ...
Tags: treating kids Teens with ADHD: Read These Next Driving with ADHD: Pumping the Brakes on Vehicle Safety Risks Shake Loose of Your Limiting Beliefs: A Guide for Teens with ADHD We Have Ignition: How to Steer Your Teen Toward Safe Driving Q: How Will I Know When My Teen Is ...
14 Ways to Help Your Child With ADHD Make Friends You may opt out at any time.and Your son storms in. His bedroom door slams shut. He’s had another tough day — picked last in gym class, excluded from dodgeball, or laughed at behind his back. Maybe the older kids on the bus were...
All of this contributes to these children feeling like, "I can't get anything right. Why even try?" Once this type of How to Handle Students With ADHD • learned helplessness occurs, it will be even harder to help students succeed (Valas, 2001). This child can be helped. It...
Students with ADHD are most likely to have trouble with any activity that requires long spans of attention, including school work. Virtual learning poses a challenge since there is no direct interaction to help stay focused. Here are some tips that teach