Kidney stonescan vary in size widely, ranging from tiny crystals, such as “gravel” or “sand-like,” to significantly larger stones that can grow to the size of a golf ball or even bigger in some cases. The size of a kidney stone determines the symptoms a person may experience, the ...
Ch 14. Acidosis, Alkalosis &... Ch 15. Hypercapnia, Hypercarbia, &... Ch 16. Migraines Ch 17. Osteoporosis Ch 18. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary... Ch 19. Pneumonia & Pneumothorax Ch 20. Conditions of the Lungs Ch 21. Bell's Palsy Ch 22. Conditions of the Brain Ch 23. Understanding...
Acidosis refers to having too much acid in the body. So, metabolic acidosis is simply when acid in your cat’s body is too high, oftentimes related to chronic kidney disease. It can often be harder to diagnose than other health concerns. Then, kidney tubular acidosis, which is also referre...
Help! My plantar fasciitis is so bad I can’t walk A simple foam roller routine for runners What is the average walking speed? A runner’s guide to lactic acidosis Running through menopause Overtraining: How to spot the signs Keely Hodgkinson: How the Olympic champion trains Everything you...
Why Whey Protein Works to Fight Acidosis Body builders, triathletes and mom’s who love to exercise know, drinking a whey protein drink after an exercise routine, will be a great idea. Your muscle mass will increase, your total body fat will decrease, and your weight will drop with each ...
status asthmatics, which can lead to respiratory failures, respiratory acidosis, pulmonary encephalopathy and other serious complications, and further affect heart which is life-threatening. Therefore, we need to understand the c...
Ketosis -- not to be confused with keto-acidosis Ketogenic diet Documentaries: Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg | TEDxPurdueU A nice 7:41 minute video of James McCarter in Quantified Self (an eye opener for me): ...
What is exercise-induced metabolic acidosis? Exercise-induced metabolic acidosis is a condition you get when very intense exercise leads to too much acid in your bloodstream. It can causenausea, vomiting, cramps, and fatigue. It's not related to your metabolic rate. ...
How does sodium bicarbonate correct metabolic acidosis? What are the easy way to identify compensated metabolic acidosis/alkalosis and respiratory What is the definition of the metabolic process? What is the easiest way to determine if a patient has either metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respi...
headaches, fatigue, confusion, muscle weakness, diarrhea, arrhythmia, shortness of breath and coughing. Acidosis is caused by a diet high in acidic foods, such as animal protein, caffeine and processed foods. Fortunately, a diet high in the right alkaline foods can return pH levels to normal....