When my son was in high school, he asked to go to a concert and we said “no” because, among other things, he and his friends were planning to drive out of state for it and sleep in his car afterward. Our son was rude and disrespectful as he walked away from us and y...
Byline: Jessica Au Mohandas Gandhi's son Harilal lies drunk and destitute on a dirty Mumbai...Au, Jessica
Find Your Joy: A Powerful Self-Care Journal to Help You Thrive on Amazon Your Emptiness Is Yours to Fill Up Your adult children don’t exist solely to fill the void of your unmet needs. Do you need the love and admiration of children and grandchildren to be happy? Perhaps meeting your ...
“Maybe you can help what’s happening right now, and maybe you can’t, but let’s get one thing clear: your child’s goal is to have power and control. Because of their personality makeup, they want power and control for the wrong reasons. They want it to undermine you, to ...
A root cause behind shortages of life-saving drugs is corporate profits. Until a backup plan is in place, supplies will remain vulnerable to cash considerations.
A true miracle Namaste. Thank you so much for all your pure hearted help. I could not attend the onlineSankalpa, and just went to the local temple with fruitprasadaand fordarshan. I had Shiv JiBhagwan's darshanoutside my son's room, starting last night until this morning, for the whol...
Our other son and his family feel uncomfortable there as well. We love them both but don’t want the tension. What to do? Anonymous / Boston Instead of a big, undifferentiated lump of “what to do?” let’s look at the separate relationships involved, and what might help each of ...
Kids learn early on that when they give up or act helpless that someone will step in and help them. Acting helpless becomes a way to get other people to do things for you. Psychologists refer to this aslearned helplessness. And over time, you come to believe that you are helpless. I...
to his learning. Nonetheless, he had to do the work. We got him the help he needed when we could, but he still needed to learn to write and read and perform in the adult world. His dyslexia was a problem that he had to learn to solve and our job was t...
While her primary job was to help my son, she never left me out of the equation. She made sure I was taking good care of myself—going to a support group for parents of children on the spectrum and having fun with my husband and baby. She reminded me to enjoy my ...