Ulcers are the mostcommonproblem which is nothing but a small, open wound on the skin or mucous membranes that either do not easily heal or keep coming back. They can appear in many parts of the body, the most common types being veinulcerson the legs, mouth ulcers, and stomach peptic u...
Being a classic soft drink,ginger alecontains medicinal properties of ginger along with the combination of carbonation of soda and sugar that can help to release the gas from your stomach to relieve the stomach pain. In addition, this is also known as an antiemetic and alleviation of nausea as...
Finding of how ulcer bacteria stick to stomach lining could lead to cureLEE BOWMAN
When nausea is associated with a serious disease, it may take some time for the symptoms to be resolved. Your healthcare provider may prescribe antiemetic medications to help you better cope and function until the underlying condition is fully resolved. How to Prevent Nausea Nausea can't always ...
This is a strong acid produced by the cells lining the wall of the stomach. They help in killing off bacteria in the food we eat. They also help to provide the right working environment for the chemicals and enzymes in the gastric juice produced by the stomach....
But many a times we do not have enough time for exercise. In such cases what to do? How do one lower the risk and take prevent cancer? Here are easy and simple lifestyle modification that one can adopt to help prevent cancer. You can prevent the risk of having cancer by switching on...
Binding estrogen—This is thanks to the increase in bile, which can help addressEstrogen Dominance. Lowering inflammation in the gut—a bitters combination of myrrh, chamomile, and coffee charcoal was comparable to the drug mesalamine in helping ulcerative colitis patients maintain remission. (15) ...
If you take too much ibuprofen you may develop stomach problems, such as heartburn, indigestion, or a stomach ulcer. You may experience bleeding from your gastrointestinal tract or from anywhere in your body and you may feel dizzy. Occasionally people who have overdosed on ibuprofen have develope...
I was plagued by canker sores from about 12 to 30 yrs old. Any cut in my mouth would become a canker sore and having and overbite and braces (twice) didnt help. I found swishing with a 50/50 mixture of listerine and hydrogen peroxide would get the pain out and they would heal up ...
In most cases, canker sores do not require any treatment, and there is nothing specific you need to do to get rid of a canker sore because it usually will heal on its own. Home remedies can be used to help relieve the pain and inflammation of canker sores. If you already have a cank...