Kim Mills: Up to 4% of people in the US live with bipolar disorder, what used to be called manic depression, but as common as this mood disorder is, it is also often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Indeed, many people with bipolar disorder wait years between experiencing their first symptom...
Miklowitz: I would say this, it is a combination of genetic, biological, and social. It certainly runs in families. People inherit a predisposition to bipolar disorder. They don't necessarily have bipolar people in their family that they can identify, but often there's somebody in the family...
It’s possible to learn how to manage bipolar disorder and its symptoms. Here are 10 tips for living successfully with bipolar.
so to put it into perspective,237 people died in 2014 on Malaysia Airlines flight 370, but in China alone, there are 330 suicides per day. This is a tragic waste of life, especially because most of those lives c...
Fish Oil for Depression and Mood: A Case for Omega-3 Fats Increasing your omega-3 fat intake canincrease the volume of gray matterin areas of the brain that control mood and depression. Omega-3s have even been found to help those withbipolar disorder, a psychiatric disorder characterized by...
Abusing alcohol can profoundly affect a person’s life. Learn about the dangers of alcohol abuse and how to get help for alcoholism. Responsible forover5% of all deaths, alcohol abuse is the fourth leadingcauseof preventable death in the U.S. The substance has significant power to create a...
For those with bipolar disorder, clinical recovery does not necessarily mean functional recovery, and the usual early age of onset may further reduce an individual's preparedness for employment. Two brief vignettes are used to discuss how occupational therapists can help their clients maintain their ...
I agree with him. We do need to be open to hurting each other, as this is a part of being human. Maybe it could even help us maintain more friendships. When So-Called Friendships Cause Harm As much as you may want to sustain a friendship, sometimes, it’s best to let them go. ...
Many medical professionals use a concept known asThe Five Rightswhich may also help you as you develop a system to ensure that medications are used correctly. The Five Rights Right drug~ Always carefully read the labels, many drugs have names which are very similar. Also, if a...
Medications can help a person with bipolar illnessmanage their symptoms and function well in everyday life. A person who hasbipolar disordertends to experienceextreme highs(mania) andextreme lows(depression). Certain medications helpstabilize your moodso you don't experience severe highs and lows. ...