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Mini-microphones. Students know they aren’t real, but that doesn’t keep 1st or 4th graders from shouting out loud and proud when I hold it up to them or pass it around when we’re reading from the board! It’s also fun to use with students when they create raps usingFlocabulary’s...
I love the Dot Day ideas. Could you tell me when Dot Day is? My K’s and 1st graders would love this!! Thank you so much for the ideas!!! Reply Lab September 6, 2023 at 3:45 am Tried it before, most effective. Only problem getting kids to settle to task as they tended to ...
While it is still possible to help an older child with reading, those beyond third grade require much more intensive help.The longer you wait to get help for a child with reading difficulties, the harder it will be for that child to catch up. If help is given in fourth grade (rather ...
Fraction Circles–These colorful fraction circles provide a way for kids to interact with a visual representation of different fractions. Rainbow Fraction Tiles–A hands-on aid for practicing fractions. Cat Fraction Math Game –A cute fraction matching game for 1st graders and up. ...
and because it is hard to hide in a small group. Groups are put together based on interest, previous knowledge, and talent. For example, a math group may include an advanced 4th grader, several 5th graders, and maybe a sixth grader or two who need a refresher on that particular lesson....
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