The heart chakra, oranahatachakra in Sanskrit, is located at the center of the spine at heart level.Anahataroughly translates to, “unhurt.” Accordingly, the heart chakra acts as the individual’s center of compassion, empathy, love, and forgiveness. This chakra governs one’s senses of trus...
Heart chakra affirmationscan be repeated daily to create a lasting change in your mindset. If you feel that your heart chakra is closing or is not opening, repeat the affirmation. Then, use it to help you unblock the negative thought and feelings that are in your mind. If you want to ma...
Allows you to love and give unconditionally. This chakra helps guide your relationships and enables you to forgive, trust, and let go. Answer the following questions honestly to see if this particular chakra is blocked or unbalanced. Do you have difficulty saying “no” to people? Are you env...
The Heart Chakra – also known as theFourth chakra, andAnahata chakra– is located next to your physical heart, along your spine right in the center of your chest. The heart, lungs, breasts, upper torso, shoulders, arms, hands, and thymus gland, are governed by the fourth chakra. It is...
pain, heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, ulcers, or a loss of appetite. More serious conditions like diabetes, hypoglycemia, and even eating disorders can link back to the solar plexus chakra, as well. Of course, this is a spiritual belief and does not replace the opinion of a trained ...
Tantric sex experts on the meaning of tantra, the benefits of tantric sex, and how to practice it to achieve a deep, meaningful connection with your partner.
The Silva Ultramind System There’s a lot that your solar plexus chakra is responsible for, including your confidence and self-esteem. But what happens when it’s blocked? You may very well push people around and influence them to get what you want. Or perhaps, you are on the other side...
Heart Chakra (Anahata) At the center of the chest, the heart chakra is said, in the Himalayan Tantric tradition, to be the most powerful center of all, the very “seat of the soul.” Associated with thelungsand the element of air, we can imagine the heart as the meeting ground for ...
Whatever has been holding you back or going wrong in your life can start going right, today, with chakra clearing. You will learn strategies to identify and release blocks in your chakras, and can begin using them the same day you sign up for the course. That means you can shift your ...
How to open the 7 chakras Regardless of the specific chakra that needs opening, it’s advisable to heal all seven of them, starting with the root and moving all the way to the top. This way, you will holistically balance your entire energy system, as opposed to an isolated approach. ...