While a little extra pampering may be in order, don't stay off your feet for long. Too much bed rest can weaken your muscles. If you don't feel up to your usual workout, it's smart to listen to your body's signals. But try not to sit a lot or the pain might get worse. ...
Sciatic nerves go from your lower back into your legs. When something presses on them, like a slipped disk or a bone spur, you get sciatica. You might have a burning sensation, numbness, weakness, or pain. Some people say it feels like pins and needles, while others say it's more lik...
Being a mineral compound, Epsom salt contains magnesium and sulfate that has various beneficial effects on your body. These minerals can easily be absorbed by your skin. Magnesium in this salt can help to decrease the inflammation and make the muscles and nerves functioning properly. Besides, sulf...
Sometimes it damages tendons, ligaments, or nerves. Your doctor may push the bones back into place. After that, rest, ice, and physical therapy can help you heal, along with medication to ease pain and swelling. You may need surgery in rare cases. 10/16 Plantar Fasciitis It’s one of ...
Ultra-high heels force the feet into a position that puts stress on the ball of the foot. At this joint, the long metatarsal bones meet the pea-shaped sesamoid bones and the toe bones (phalanges). Too much pressure can inflame these bones or the nerves that surround them. Chronic stress...
If you’re stressed, it not only means you’re more likely to make mistakes and potentially cause your cat pain, but your cat will pick up on those nerves and start to feel anxious, too. Have a warm drink, sit for a while, and get everything you will need ready, so you don’t ...
mistakes and potentially cause your cat pain, but your cat will pick up on those nerves and start to feel anxious, too. Have a warm drink, sit for a while, and get everything you will need ready, so you don’t have to abandon the process halfway through just to find the cat ...
ENBREL can cause serious side effects including: Newinfectionsor worsening of infections you already have;hepatitis Bcan become active if you already have had it;nervous system problems, such as multiple sclerosis, seizures, or inflammation of the nerves of the eyes;blood problems(some fatal); new...
Imagine you’re meeting someone for the first time and your hands are sweaty. Doesn’t matter how often you wipe them on your clothing or with that wad of tissue in your pocket. They’re still sweaty. And your nerves are only making things worse. ...
Learn how to grow a goji berry tree in your garden. I explain how long it takes to grow goji berries from seed and young plants. What are the health benefits of goji berries. Step-by-step instructions with videos and my own photos.