Any neck injury, regardless of the cause, should be fully evaluated by a health care provider or at an emergency room. Injuries like whiplash, falls and sports trauma can result in fractures, injury to the spinal cord, ligament disruption, loss of consciousness, traumatic brain injury, neurologi...
When a doctor examine your ankle, lower leg and foot, he will touch the skin around your injury to check for the tenderness and the range of motion in order to determine what positions cause your pain or discomfort. In case your injury is severe, the doctor may recommend that you should ...
The Neck is a cylindrical structure containing vital neurovascular and visceral structures tightly packed in a relatively small volume. Mortality rate increases when there is an injury to vascular structures especially the carotid artery, surrounded by other vital neurovascular structures; injuring the ...
The pain from a pulled muscle in the back ranges from minor annoyance to intense pain, and it can take several weeks or, in some cases, a few months to heal.3Back pain, often due to a pulled muscle, is one of the most common issues health professionals treat.3In most cases, you ca...
If however your pain is still present, your injury is very load intolerant and you need to consider postponing your lifting workouts at this moment and having someone else help you with daily lifting tasks until your back can further heal. Last, if your pain is present when sneezing or rolli...
What is the fastest way to cure laryngitis? For most people with acute laryngitis, resting the voice is the best way to heal it. Try to avoid speaking at all until you feel better. It's especially important to avoid whispering or clearing your throat, both of which can be irritating. ...
millions of people that seeking medical care for it. What you need to know is what to do about it. Whether it is an ankle sprain, a toe sprain or a knee sprain, hip sprain, back sprain, neck sprain, shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist or thumb sprain ligament injuries all heal in the ...
Neck muscles can be strained during much less intense moments, such as bending your head down to look at a phone or tablet or sleeping in the wrong position. You can strain a neck muscle by watching television at an odd angle for too long as well. This is common in modern society as ...
In particular, accidents and injuries while working abroad must follow the underlying bylaws to help you heal and recover damages and losses that you incur. Hence, it’s advisable to seek a legal practitioner’s guidance to navigate the intricacy of working abroad. Also, injuries while working ...
Radiation ulcers are intractable and difficult to heal naturally because of the progression of necrosis. The underlying ischemia sets in motion a cycle of infection and necrosis, leading to the development of additional ulcers in the surrounding tissue and finally to gangrene. The principle of treatme...