A broken fingernail can seem to take forever to grow out if you're an adult. Children and young teens are the ones who get a lucky break -- their nails heal and grow back much faster. In fact, many parents can attest to cutting a squirming child's nails almost every other day. When...
Understanding the causes can help you practice better foot care and heal the fungal infection before it worsens or spreads. Toenail fungus isn’t typically harmful and usually only affects the appearance of your nail. However, it can spread and worsen, so you don’t want to leave it alone....
Nails reflect cleanliness and health condition, so all of us want to have shiny nails. Generally, manicuring nails is a simple way to keep nails healthy, shiny and free from nail fungus. Some people think that nail polish keeps their nails strong, but this is not true because polish contain...
Fungus under or around the nails can indicate a lack of the “friendly” bacteria in the gut our systems need. Spoon-shaped nails (where the nail end curves up) can indicate a lack of iron. White spots can indicate a zinc deficiency (but if they're just on a nail or two, it's mo...
Once your cuticles are damaged, they need protection and some time to heal. Clean the skin area daily using hydrogen peroxide and then spread a topical anti-bacterial ointment on the cuticle using a Q-tip. Wear a Band-Aid to protect the cuticle and change and check the cuticle daily to ...
For instance, you might have an ingrown nail or an infection. If you bite your nails or have a cut in that area (picking at a hang nail, maybe?), that could be the culprit. Issues such as nail fungus and nail psoriasis can also cause the skin around the nails to be swollen and ...
"Nail Fungus & Nail Health." (Accessed Oct. 4, 2009) http://www.aad.org/public/publications/pamphlets/common_nail.html KidsHealth. "Your Nails." March 2007. (Accessed Oct. 4, 2009) http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/nails.html# Mayo Clinic. "Nails: How to keep your fingernails healthy...
He or she may lift the nail or remove it, and prescribe an antibiotic if necessary. Toenail Fungus Identify it: Thick, yellow, and brittle nails that may be loose. The cause: Fungus infiltrated the skin under your nail. The fix: Unfortunately, toenail fungus is hard to treat because the...
However, it is best to avoid doing this as it can lead to pain and infection. Gentler home remedies can work well to reduce pain. A person should visit a healthcare professional if the toenail has an infection or does not heal on its own....
More to heal the area though it does help symptoms but nothing like the apple cider vinegar As a lady, this has been the most embarrassing year of my life .. I hope this helps you Reply eric miller on May 1st, 2022 - 5:16pm Thank you, Amy. Reply Glinnis on June 24th, 2022 ...