Spirituality is your belief or sense of purpose and meaning. It is what gives you a sense of value or worth in your life. Contrary to what many people might think, spirituality and religion are not the same. But they are linked. You can be spiritual without belonging to a specific religi...
For example, it’s much harder to spiritually awaken to the Upper World when our unconscious minds are plagued with deep childhood traumas (that stem from the underworld), trust issues (under world problem), and poor self-esteem (middle world problem). The practice ofinner workis what allows...
Breakups can be brutal, but it's possible to get over your ex with these 19 expert-recommended tips to help heal your broken heart and move on for good.
control,wecannotbefreeforGodtohealusandsetusfree.IfJesushad notforgivenallthosewhohadhurtHim,thatlackofforgivenesswould havechangedHisrelationshipwithFatherGod. WhenweconfessoursintoGodbutrefusetoforgiveothers,weare askingGodtodosomethingforusthatwearenotwillingtodoforothers. Thatishypocrisy. Jesustoldaparableab...
spiritually go hand-in-hand. When you work toward helping your spirit to reach a positive state, you’ll appreciate the beauty of your spiritual aspect and bring higher-level benefits into your daily life. In this way, you’ll generate a higher-level love that can improve your life at all...
Eat only the finest, purest, most nourishing foods -- foods that are fit to heal you physically and spiritually. Just as some foods are good and others bad for the physical body, so there are good and bad foods for the mind and soul. This is the basis of the Jewish dietary code, ...
While it’s OK to experience culture shock and the mixed emotions inherent to studying abroad and travel in general, it’s important to recognize when these feelings become a deeper problem. If anxiety, fear, or depression persist for too long, it is important to tune into your mental health...
“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi Embracing the simple and slow moments is what a cozy life is all about. Shifting the mind into a lower gear can bring better health, inner calm, enhanced concentration and the ability
People often assume that the best way to motivate yourself is to keep on being self-critical with yourself. That could not be further from the truth. Unfortunately, being constantly critical with yourself can take a real emotional toll. It can trigger depression, anxiety, immensely low self-est...
I was never a perfect parent, suffered with depression & anxiety related to PTSD. And I also knew enough to be as transparent as possible with them, admitted I didn’t always do things right – gave them tools and resources to get help, if they needed it. I defined my disassociations ...