Don’t use water to clean the skin of the squash. Keep the squash dry. Do not handle or harvest wet fruit. Cure and store only blemish-free squash; do not cure squash that is bruised or punctured or deeply cut. Curing can help heal minor cuts and scratches. Slightly immature squash ca...
A second method of inducing flowering is to place the plant in a bag with two ripe & bruised apples for two weeks. Move the plant to a shady location during this time, and then move it back to its sunny spot. The ripening apples produce ethylene gas that will induce flowering in the ...
My mother has had a split fingernail for many years, and I always wondered why; I think it might have originally been a combination of these dryness and malnutrition factors, though I still don't know. She has never gone to a doctor for the problem, at least not to my knowledge. ...
How to Treat Soccer Toe Soccer toe, or “turf toe,” is a term used to describe severely bruised toes or sprained ligaments in an athlete’s foot. This injury is caused either by repeated impacts against the soccer ball and or by extreme lig... How to Relieve Foot Pain from Standing ...