Getting the right amount of sleep when you have a broken rib is important. Sleep gives your body a chance to heal, and lack of sleep can slow down your recovery. To do this, you need to ease your pain as much as possible. The most important consideration for sleeping with a broken ri...
How to heal from a toxic parent. Here are some ways to move forward. It’s okay to let go of a toxic parent. This is such a difficult decision, but it could be one of the most important. We humans are wired to connect, even with people who don’t deserve to be connected to us...
How long does it take to heal from a sternum rub? How is it treated? Treating a bruised sternum often involves waiting for it to heal on its own, which usually takesabout two to four weeks, though healing time varies depending on how severe the bruising is. Why would you not use the ...
The kidneys are filtration organs that clean the bloodstream by removing wastes and excess fluids. These wastes are stored in the bladder before being released as urine. If the kidneys can't function on their own, a person may need dialysis, which uses a machine to filter and clean the bloo...
How does a pneumothorax heal? What are the symptoms of a fractured rib? What is the treatment for a fractured humerus? How long does it take for a bruised tailbone to heal? How long does degenerative disc disease last? Can rotator cuff problems cause shoulder blade pain? What are the sym...
Sometimes, the damage to the kidney is so severe that internal bleeding will occur. This can be identified by the blood that starts to pass in the urine and the mottled, bruised appearance of the skin over the abdomen. If blood flow to the kidneys is being restricted from a blood clot ...
There might not be much a doctor can do for bruised or cracked ribs, aside from giving you some pain medication and strapping it up. It just has to heal by itself. But it is extremely important to get it checked out, because the lungs are so vulnerable when the ribs are damaged. It...
Research suggests that cracked ribs may heal on their own in 1 to 2 months, but broken ribs with a jagged edge usually require immediate medical treatment. Generally, broken ribs occur after a direct blow to your chest or torso after an...