You asked, I want to numbers that I have mentioned in the legend section, to be placed on the right y axis of the plot with the scale that you see in the attached picture. I also want the dots that I pointed as red, to be connected to each other through a dashed line. I would ...
In Matlab, if we plot a variable and after that, we plot another variable, the second variable will overwrite the first variable. To solve this problem, we have to use thefigurecommand. Thefigurecommand is used to initialize a figure. For example, if we want to plot two variables on two...
etc.). I have written stand alone functions for the linear regression and one for polynomical regression. In addition to calculating, I have each function generating a plot of the data with the regression curve being shown. For the assignment, we are to keep t...
Plotting multiple lines in MATLAB empowers you to visualize and compare multiple datasets efficiently. In MATLAB plot() function can be used to plot multiple lines. Using this tutorial, you can create line plots with multiple lines, customize their appearance, and present your data effectively. ...
How to combine two plots with different y-axis,... Learn more about spline, interpolation, plotyy, two y axes, graph
1. You can use the “uitab” function in MATLAB which helps to create tabbed panels. Below is an example snippet for using “uitab” for making plots in different panels: % Create a figure to hold the tabbed panel fig = figure(); % Create a tab group tabGroup = uitabgroup(fig);...
Can you please put your script here i want to do the same thing as you. Thank you in advance, Daylín Góngora on 7 Feb 2022 Edited: Daylín Góngora on 7 Feb 2022 PLOT 1 ax1 = gca; PLOT 2 ax2 = gca; ... fnew = figure;hold on; for k = 1:6 %n...
Open in MATLAB Online @Asim the first two numbers are the number of rows and columns in the layout of all the plots in a grid. The third number is the "number" of the particular single plot that is in the grid. For example if you have 3 rows and 4 columns, this chart gives th...
The subplot is a useful function in MATLAB that allows users to display multiple plots in a single figure. It helps visualize and compare different data sets.
Open in MATLAB Online osmotic_data.csv So, you want the scatter plot to only show one point at a time? In that case, you can try the following in your knob callback function: ThemeCopy % Load the osmotic_data table (must be on your current MATLAB path) ...