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Although the demographics of jealousy are difficult to study, researchers do have special concern about child and adolescent jealousy. According to legendary child entertainer Fred Rogers (commonly known as Mr. Rogers), competition can be tricky for very young children, likely causing jealousy to rear...
It begins to have a hard time maintaining blood pressure and eventually loses its ability to move enough blood around to maintain all the body's essential functions. The Mesentery The primary function of the mesentery, a fold of tissue that attaches to the intestines and other abdominal organs...
The first step in optimizing your HGH levels is tomanage your weight effectively. Research has shown that overweight and obese individuals tend to have lower HGH production. By maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can encourage your body to produce more ...
Physiologically, “that burnout effect is going to have a direct relationship with metabolism,” says Pojednic. “It’s going to activate your hypothalamus [the area of the brain that produces hormones responsible for body temperature, heart rate, hunger, and mood], causing changes to hormones,...
Your hypothalamus, a structure deep inside your brain, makes oxytocin. Your pituitary gland, found at the base of your brain, stores oxytocin and then releases it into your bloodstream when triggered by the electrical activity of neurons in the hypothalamus. ...
How people wake up and regain alertness in the hours after sleep is related to how they are sleeping, eating, and exercising. Here, in a prospective longitudinal study of 833 twins and genetically unrelated adults, we demonstrate that how effectively an
When it comes under prolonged or chronic stress, this network can become constantly activated, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland constantly signaling the adrenal system to produce more cortisol. It is cortisol’s role as part of this axis that’s attracted a lot of attention from sleep scientis...
Lust, driven by the desire for sexual gratification, is primarily motivated by the production of sex hormones testosterone and estrogen thanks to the brain's hypothalamus. Attraction, although closely related, is something different; it hinges on the brain's reward system and is the reason why ne...
My 5 tips to help you beat jet lag and sleep better when you travel This list of tips has not been reviewed by a doctor, but are simply what I have found works for me as I’ve traveled the world. I’ve found a combination of various tips to minimize jet lag, culled together from...