Well, when the bok choy is the right size for you. The plants will start bolting in early summer, so try to harvest and eat them continuously. You could also harvest them leaf by leaf like you would with lettuce. But at this time of year, I think it's better to just harvest the ...
Tip:Bok choy bolts to seed quickly when the temperature soars up. So make sure that you harvest the plant before the hot weather perks up. Do succession planting for the constant pak choi supply. Sow seeds every couple of weeks. Facebook ...
Waiting too long to harvest bok choy is a common mistake. Start harvesting your bok choy when the plants are 12 to 15 inches tall. Use a sharp knife and trim an inch or two above the soil. The remaining plant will likely sprout and grow a new, although smaller, bok choy. You can a...
About bok choy The Brassica variety chinensis is known as bok choy or pak choi. Bok choy can be long-stemmed, thick-stemmed, short, fat, flowering, green- or white-stalked. Its leaves are upright—not rounded–on stalks similar to Swiss chard. ...
When peas come to harvest, follow this advice: pick peas the instant that they are bright green and the pods begin to bulge. Split the pod open with your thumb and roll the small sweet peas into your mouth or into the bowl and immediately prepare and enjoy. Young, small, tender peas ...
How to Use Although bok choy is available year-round, it’s better harvested and enjoyed in the winter months. When grown in warm temperatures, the plant wilts, and its flavor can be negatively affected. It takes about two months from planting to harvest this vegetable. If you have a gree...
If you have struggled with bolting problems in the past, this is a good cultivar to try because it is slower to bolt than others. It’s medium-sized and ready to harvest in 35 days. Planting Pak Choi Remember that pac choi grows best in cool weather, so it’s not ideal for USDA Gr...
Harvest spears in the spring for a real treat. Bean Family –There are dozens of varieties. Grow your favorites, try some new ones. Beans, Lima –Slow growing, but well worth the wait. Beets –A pungent, red root crop. Bok Choy –Enjoy this Asian cabbage. Broccoli –Eat plenty of ...
On the Buy Directly From Farmers e-commerce platform, consumers can adopt a plot of land and watch, in real time, as farmers battle with the elements to plant and harvest crops. “You’d be able to better understand the difficulties,” said the social enterprise...