I find them less convenient in Taiwan. Sidewalks are often block (or non-existent) in Taiwan. Bigger strollers can be harder to push around. I like using a small stroller, which
In reality quilts are made in almost every land on the face of the earth. Years ago, when the first New England missionaries were sent to the Hawaiian Islands, the native women were taught to piece quilts, which they continue to do down to this day. These Hawaiian women treasure their ...
stems, the plant’s base, the roots, and even the fruit in some cases. Some forms of these scale insects build up at the joint of leaf and stem, where they have some shelter. Others merely secrete extra protective wax and live openly on cactus pads or leaves where they are more expose...
7.委屈像吞进了玻璃的碎片 满口的鲜 血却吐不出来Grievance is like swallowing pieces of glass, full of blood but can't spit it out 8.后来的放弃 都是我用眼泪换来的大彻大悟The subsequent abandonment is my great insight in exchange for tears 9.仙人掌做不了花 没办法让人捧在手心里Cactus can...