Leaf or Looseleaf lettuceforms loose, circular patterns, and compact heads; leaves are yellow, green, red, or purplish; leaves can be frilly or smooth. Looseleaf lettuce comes to harvest in 40 to 50 days. Butterhead lettuce also called Bibb lettuce or Boston lettuce, forms loose round heads...
一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。butter,sandwich,piece,turkey,lettuce1. How many pieces of paper do we need?2.-Do you like _lettuce_ in your sandwich?-Yes, I like vegetables, you know.3. She put a spoon of _butter_ on the bread.4.At teatime, Mrs. Green made five sandwich and...
Butterhead Lettuce:Butterhead is a loose-leaf lettuce (meaning it forms loose heads and not compact ones). You might see this variety of lettuce called buttercrunch or bibb lettuce. It can be more delicious (sweeter!) when you grow it yourself, plus you can keep a little more cash in y...
There are many varieties of lettuce varieties that you can grow.Most types of lettuce overgrow that you can harvest each plant for weeks, but there are lots of varieties in seed catalogs and shelves of seeds: Looseleaf Looseleaf lettuce is one of the easiest plants to grow. It’s also s...
Learn how to grow Brussels sprouts step-by-step—planting, care through the season, and harvest—your complete Brussels sprouts growing guide!
Lettuce turns bitter once the flower stalk begins to form, so harvest before a central stem starts to form.Growing Lettuce—‘Torenia’ Butterhead © Steve MasleyClick IMAGE to Enlarge The biggest mistake gardeners make growing lettuce is planting one big patch at the beginning of summer. Five...
If you harvest a head of lettuce that’s extra gritty and might have some bugs tucked inside, go ahead and wash your veggies to avoid getting your fridge all dirty. After washing the greens, store them in plastic bags with paper towels to absorb moisture, and tuck everything into your ...
Growing lettuce plants. How to grow lettuce greens in your garden from seed to harvest. Recipes. Grow better with The Gardener's Net.
Harvesting lettuce leaf by leaf is the easiest part of growing lettuce in the garden, but there are a few tips that can make those greens even sweeter. Don't wait too long to harvest the mature leaves. Older leaves will be tough and can be bitter too, so cut when the leaves are stil...
Leaf lettuce plants are often raised for baby lettuce leaves but are still quite tasty as full-grown leaves. Leaf lettuce also tends towards unusual shapes and crinkled styles, making it visually appealing. These types of lettuce are easy to harvest continuously throughout the season. ...