FULL PASSIVE RAGE BUILD! - B2GM 18:19 维拉Valla Strafe - EVILZERGLING BRONZE 5 SQUAD VS GOLD-PLAT 5 STACK ROUND 2! -B2GM 15:21 半藏Hanzo Dragonstrike - BEHOLD THE MIGHT OF THE DRAGOOOON! - B2GM 20:49 露娜拉 Lunara Leaping Strike - THE RARE GOOD FAKE DAMAGE GAME! - B2GM 17:16...
Instead, you’ll attempt to find reasons to discuss further what happened and why to resolve the problem. When you’re stuck here, this is where you need to look in the mirror and start to work inward. 2. Take your time Friends and family will encourage you to be strong and move on ...
he runs. When you run, he chases. When you jab, he jabs longer. The only way to outsmart this is to throw a feint. Whatever he does next will probably be ineffective since you didn’t do anything. By feinting, you hope to draw a punch or bait a movement out of him. From there...
Rage: Abusive bosses who don’t get the results they want might launch into narcissistic rage. They might also demean staff in front of each other or in front of clients. 4 Tips for Dealing With Narcissism in the Workplace Many of the tips above apply to the workplace as well. But her...
“Apple does things practically.” Or, “Apple is late because it’s perfecting the tech.”“Would you prefer being the first or the best?” These are just some of the recurring arguments you will find in any heated Reddit thread or social media post hunting for some ra...
From what I understand, DEET has proven to be the most effective repellent. DEET is pretty crazy stuff though, so if you’d like to try less harsh solutions, there are plenty of tips below for you to give a shot. Something to keep in mind: Since some people seem to be a skeeter ma...
While advertising alongside ragebait may garner eyeballs in the short term, it can also cause long-term reputational damage. There’s been a concerted effort from groups like Sleeping Giants to get brands to remove ads from platforms and shows that peddle in sensationalism a...
Use Twitter.Twitter is all the rage nowadays. While people may visit Facebook or MySpace once a week, they regularly use Twitter several times a day. This may be a more effective way to get in touch with influencers, even better than email and perhaps phone (for some people). At least...
I suspect the purpose of the Satanic Temple display was to prove a point about religious freedom, more an act of protest than a display of faith. The intent was to provoke—and Christians took the bait. We regularly convince ourselves that God demands our “righteous” rage to defend the ...
The most appropriate response to this would be unmitigated, howling rage at the western sociopaths who created this situation in the first place. Continued: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2018/06/18/its-time-to-start-getting-enraged-at-what-western-imperialists-have-done-to-syria/ Brother Nathanael...