How to Handle the Fear of RejectionDr. Raymond Comeau
if you let the fear of rejection get to you, it may affect other friendships or prevent you from making new ones. If you find yourself without any friends, you might attribute it to some flaw of yours rather than recognizing
There’s another vital shift you must make to learn how to overcome fear of rejection: your focus. Where focus goes, energy flows. As Tony says, “People who fail focus on what they have to go through; people who succeed focus on what it will feel like at the end.” Focus on the ...
Most of the time, people in happy and long-lasting relationships end up questioning things such as how to initiatesexwithout fear of rejection. During this fear of rejection, you may feel pessimistic about your love life and even undesirable. This fear of rejection can also take place due to...
Being rejected can be difficult, so here's how to deal with rejection, and what to do if you've been rejected.
We are all unique. Some people will be able to overcome their fear of rejection simply by practising lots of self-love and self-care and maintaining healthy self-esteem. Others may require additional support, especially to process the deeper hurts that might be blocking us from a healthy relat...
“Fear of rejection makes me act so clingy and annoying that in the end Idoget rejected because of the way I’m acting!” In the past Ella had ended relationships first because she was so certain she was about to be rejected herself. In this way at least she retained asense of control...
Fear of rejection. Fear of success. Fear of running out of time, talent, or ideas. Fear of doing the thing you’ve always dreamed of and finding life remains the same. Fear of how people might judge if you show them your soft underbelly.试着翻译了这段文字,感觉译文还不成熟,以后想好了...
Articles and information on Stress-Management from Stress Management Information Stress Management: How to Handle Rejection - The Power of NEXT plus articles and information on Stress-Management
How to deal with rejection When you’re in the throws of it, it can be easy to declare: “I can’t handle rejection,” and do everything you can to avoid it. But if you don’t experience rejection, you’re playing it safe and not taking risks. Pursuing the career of your dreams...