Difficult customers are a fact of life. Even if they are just a tiny percentage of your community, they can feel impossible to handle. When you work in customer service, dealing with difficult customers is part of the job, but that doesn't make it any easier. As humans, we're hardwire...
How to handle it: Be clear and to the point without appearing dismissive of their demeanor. Explain transparently why there’s a wait or delay without getting into specifics. Make sure an impatient customer knows that effort is being invested in resolving the situation. Frame your answers in ...
Also, it is good for advisors to practise this during induction training, while listening to a call recording. This will help them know what to expect when handling a difficult customer call, to better prepare for a future uncomfortable situation. Alison Mathiebe In training, Alison recommends t...
Even if a client is screaming at you down the phone or making a scene in the office, you’ve got to remain cool, calm and collected. If you stoop to their level of hostility, you put your reputation on the line and could escalate the situation. You will get your point across much c...
Everybody has bad days. At some point, you’ll encounter a difficult customer who believes that your business is to blame for their bad day. What happens next depends on how your team handles the interaction. If your support team handles the situation well, they can address an unhappy custo...
reactions. Commonly, fear makes us want to control things. If a customer is being difficult, there is a fear of challenging them and damaging the relationship. If a customer expresses displeasure with your timeline or pricing structure, the fear is we might not be able to fix the situation...
So, there are six more tips on how to handle difficult and angry customers. In any given situation, one or more of these tactics may come in handy. Remember, you’re trying to get the customer to come back. As you interact with them, ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing right now ...
We’ve all had to deal with them. You know, those agonizing, angry, frustrated customers that make our jobs so hard. Learning how to handle difficult clients in business isn’t easy, but it will make a big difference in how far you can go in your career. Business is business, but it...
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Handling unhappy customers is a part of customer service. Learn how to deal with difficult customers with our tips and examples so you can be prepared.