Ryu has access to powerful hadoukens that are faster, deal more damage, and are able to stun his opponents much quicker than his standard hadoukens. Ryu is also able to charge his hadouken, which allow it to causeeven moredamage, as well as break the...
Hey guys, today I want to talk about something really cool - how tall are famous people! And one person I want to talk about is Ryu from Street Fighter. You know him, right? He's super strong and can do all these awesome moves like Hadouken and Shoryuken. But have you ever wondered...
Grab that flaming sword:While this is a given in any Brawlhalla match, it is even more critical in Street Brawl mode. Going into a Street Brawl without your weapon is like Ryu without his Hadouken. You will be significantly disadvantaged. Therefore, get your hands on a flaming sword in the...
Yup, it’s thehadoukenfrom the Street Fighter series. In Japanese literally wave-motion-fist. My first reaction was, damn, everyone’s pronunciation is way off in America. It’s not “ha-doo-ken” it’s “ha-doh-ken.” Theshoryukenpronunciation back home, on the other hand, is a lot...