How To Grow Mentally Physically Emotionally And SpirituallyShare on FacebookShare on Twitter Daily life is hectic. Often, we are satisfied just to have made it through the day. For many of us that is our main aim: to make sure we do what is expected of us and not make mistakes along ...
We also would want to be aware that everyone around us was getting blasted with Fire energy, so we wouldn’t want to not enter into altercations. The confidence of the Fire element could push you to really hit the ground running towards your goal or to finally draft your letter of resign...
An examination of research on some of the ways children manifest their spirituality, including recent brain research in that area, reveals some of the ways in which children can influence their parents, caregivers and other adults to grow spiritually, especially when the gift is acknowledged and ...
We can think of ourselves as a rose bud, which first begins as a small green nub and then begins to form the petals of a rose within. As the petals take shape and form, they evolve and grow, soon bursting open and revealing themselves to the world. And as the rose continues to grow...
Appearances change with age and sometimes a familiar face no longer excites us the way it used to. But partners that grow spiritually together don’t face these challenges. Instead, they nurture and cement their relationship. So what do I mean when I talk about a spiritual connection?
I began to see that I was not just in a rut spiritually, but that I was allowing myself to stay there by my unwillingness to do the hard things. I seemed to want to rest on the notion that I was a good Catholic doing the right things. When I heard Fr. Matthew’s message about...
paths of yoga that a practitioner can follow. The name comes from the Sanskrit term meaning “action” or “deed.” Therefore, it is the path of action, or selfless service towards others. It is considered by some that practicing karma yoga is the most effective way to develop spiritually...
As we grow spiritually, we become more like Jesus Christ. We develop the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and we become more Christlike in our character. This brings glory to God because it shows that His Spirit is at work in our lives. ...
There comes a moment in our journey between the middle world and the underworld in whichan equilibrium or inner spaciousness forms, allowing us to move up into the Upper World. For example, it’s much harder to spiritually awaken to the Upper World when our unconscious minds are plagued with...
spiritually go hand-in-hand. When you work toward helping your spirit to reach a positive state, you’ll appreciate the beauty of your spiritual aspect and bring higher-level benefits into your daily life. In this way, you’ll generate a higher-level love that can improve your life at all...