How do you grow lavender from posti plugs/mini plug plants? Plug plants need to be grown on before they are transplanted into the garden. When they arrive, water the plugs and allow them to acclimatise in a light, warm but not hot place for 24 hours. Then they can be potted up, ...
Basil is a fast-growing herb, so using pots on the small or shallow side denies the roots the room they need to grow long moisture-and-nutrient highways the plant depends on for big, firm leaves (and more of them!). Unsuitably small pots will also dry out too rapidly in the sun, r...
Check out the BestIndoor Herbs to Grow from Cuttings Planting Curry Tree happyexotictrees Planting a Curry Tree in Warmer Regions If you live in USDA Zone 9-11, grow it outside. Plant it in the sunniest spot in your garden, and do regular watering in the next two months. Pinch off its...
Grow herbs or perennials? Add some shade trees? This is not all going to happen in one day. Approach the tasks in the right order. Plants thrive in healthy soil, not compacted clay or plain sand, so soil may need significant improvement. Trees take precedence over other plants because they...
Learn How to Grow Spinach in Pots in the easiest way and harvest this nutritious green in your home without having a big garden!
My 4 year old son wanted to grow an apple tree from seed this summer. On our 2nd try, 2 of the 3 seeds sprouted. They were from an organic store bought apple. Now the seedlings are about 7 inches tall and about an inch and a half apart. They were outside all summer, but I bro...
After all, plants rely on certain nutrients in order to grow, and these nutrients don't change, no matter which system you're using. The Science Behind Hydroponic Nutrients Using a totally controlled environment, this 10,000 foot hydroponic garden grows 30 varieties of vegetables and herbs. ...
While ground-grown plants have the luxury of reaching down to chase valuable soil moisture, their container cousins have no such luxury. Be on hand to water plants as they grow and particularly once the foliage has filled out. Actively growing plants will also benefit from a couple of liquid...
Mandevilla is considered a toxic plant and should not be consumed or ingested. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Mandevillas are tender tropical vines that produce fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of white, red and pink. They grow and thrive as potted plants outdoors during th...
Prune hardy herbsthat stay outside in spring – rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint, chives, sage, bay. Potted herbs can be grown as part of anindoor herb gardenin winter on south-facing windowsills; think: chives, parsley, oregano and mint. ...