Learning Download: How to Grow Mint From Seed to Harvest: A beginner’s guide to growing mint The mint family is a very large family and includes lots of cross pollination. The two most commonly grown mint plants are spearmint and peppermint. Other mint varieties include chocolate mint, ...
Home-grown mint is fresh and you can cut them whenever needed. For those who are total gardening noobs like me, the good news is that mint is perfect to plant because they are easy and fast growing – in fact I read that some people prefer to grow them in pots for fear of the ...
Mint can live and grow in water for months. It’s a great way to grow mint indoors should your outdoor space be limited. Below are a few tips that you should keep in mind if you want to grow mint plants in water. Take a healthy cutting, at least 5-6 inches long. Remove excess ...
How to Plant Mint: Mint seeds can be started indoors and transplanted into the garden, or seeds can be sown directly into the soil in the spring. Mint has crawling roots that can overtake your garden and kill other plants. To keep this under control, begin by digging a hole large enough...
You can grow Mint in containers above or sunk into the ground to contain the roots and limit spreading. However, keep container Mints from flopping over and touching the ground. Stems will root quickly if given a chance. Harvesting Snip sprigs and leaves as needed. If you don't harvest ...
How to grow catnip at home While we may think of growing catnip to tempt our cats, the leaves are edible for humans and add flavor to salads. The chemicals in catnip—and, to a lesser degree, catmint—can stimulate cats’ brains, but for humans, it seems to be the opposite. Some peo...
Being a MINT+ subscriber can be a lot like having a gym membership. You know it’s good for you, and it offers incredible opportunities to get stronger. Here are some ways to work smarter and grow your MINT+ muscle.
How to Cook and Serve Snow Peas How to Grow Peas How to Harvest and Store PeasSteamed peas and carrots When the peas are ready, the simplest way to enjoy them is with butter, salt, and pepper. Pea, garden pea, and English pea are all the same. The pea is traditionally the first ki...
You can use mint in teas, smoothies, or even ice cream! Mint is great in salads and if you love the taste of fresh mint you can find endless recipes online. It’s a great herb to grow inside your home. Thankfully, mint is pretty hard to kill! Peppermint and spearmint are actually ...
When grown outdoors, mint herb spreads rapidly by underground runners and can be invasive in the garden. However, growing mint in a container will keep it under control. You can expect tall spikes of pink flowers to grow at the stem tips in late summer. Pinch them off assoon as you see...