4. Spread out the roots when planting your container-grown lilac in the ground so dig your hole a lot larger than the diameter of the container it is in, some say to plant it deeper than it was in the container by 2 inches and some say level to the ground around it. You decide on...
Scentara® Double Blue Lilac. Photo by: Proven Winners. Lilacs are easy-to-grow, shrubs with fragrant purple flowers that bloom in spring. They attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators and make perfect cut flowers. When properly cared for they can last decades in your garden...
Lilacs, said to symbolize the joy of youth and associated with spring’s awakening, are hardy, easy to grow, and low-maintenance. Although they can reach heights of 5 to 15 feet (or more), depending on the variety, the ideal lilac shrub produces flowers at eye level—all the better to...
How to Propagate Lilacs from Cutting Cuttings are usually made in the morning from young lilac bushes. Just as it sounds, propagating lilacs from cutting involves pruning a small section of lilac branch from an established shrub and turning it into a new plant. This is how you do it: Cuttin...
Transplanting a young lilac is easier than accommodating the movement of an older one, since the bushes can grow up to 15 feet tall and 12 feet wide, with a root ball about 50 percent wider than the width of the shrub. Plan to move the shrub during its dormant period in late winter,...
How to prune lilac bushes and when. Pruning Lilacs at the right time. Learn how to prune lilac bushes for shape and to rejuvenate the bush.
When planting lilac bushes, make sure that the spot you have chosen has good drainage, and at least 6 hours of sun a day. If you have acid soil, throw a handful of lime in to the planting hole. Make sure you give your lilac plenty of room. Traditional varieties can easily grow 10...
PLANTING AZALEA BUSHES Perfecto Mundo® Pink Carpet dwarf azalea. Photo by: Proven Winners. When to plant: Plant azalea shrubs during the cooler months of spring or fall to avoid heat or cold stress. Where to plant: Choose a full to partially sunny site with rich well-draining soil. ...
For maximum blooms, grow lilac trees in full sun, which is at least six hours each day (more is better). Soil Although these trees tolerate clay soil, soils rich in organic matter are optimal. Check the soil pH. Slightly acid to slightly alkaline is the sweet spot (6.0 to 8.0). ...
Some lilac bushes respond to transplanting by not blooming the following spring; by transplanting when the bush is dormant, you minimize this risk. In the spring, the rhododendron shrub displays large blooms in white, yellow or shades of pink or lavender. Growing from 3 to 8 feet tall and ...