Need help to start your dreadlocks journey? Looking easy tips on how to grow healthy dreads with video tutorials. Or follow celebrities hairstyle?
Curly hair is considered the best type of hair for growing dreads. The curls allow the dreads to form more easily by curling around the cylindrical shape of the dreads. It helps them lock into place faster. People with curly hair also do not need to use as much gel or wax to get thei...
Long or short dreads are a perfectly versatile way to wear natural hair. But besides versatility, dreadlocks are also known for being a protective hairstyle. Thus, many people create dreadlocks believing that loc styles will help them grow long and healthy hair without any hair care procedures, ...
Learn How to Grow Dreadlocks in ANY Hair type!For those who have decided or are about to decide to get dreadlocks…we want to be there for ya, every step of tha way…making sure that your foray into the world of dreadlocks is nothing short of joyous and that your dreadlocks journey ...
For those who are just trying to experiment, you may want to begin with temporary dreads, which are easy to create. Twist your hair until they appear like those usual dreads you see and apply a holding gel. This is to make sure the dreads will last at least the entire day. You can ...
Even though you can grow dreadlocks if you just leave your hair alone to lock, there are disadvantages to the "freeform method." Simply allowing hair to form into locks by itself can take a long time, and it could takemonths or yearsfor your locks to form. Plus, freeform dreadlocks usu...
Using the best dreadlocks shampoo can be a great way to moisturize your locks, promote healthy hair growth, and keep your dreads looking clean and healthy. There are several different products on the market that are specifically formulated for dreads. ...
Take care of your hair. We can help you find suitable hair products, no matter your hair type.
Section your hair into two-inch or larger squares, depending on the thickness of the dreads you desire, with the pointy end of a rattail comb. Place each section in a rubber band or clip to keep the hair out of your way while twisting each section. This allows you to create tighter ...
I used to have chemically processed hair and decided to grow it out without the big chop. I vowed that my daughters would never go on the path of relaxers like I had done. I teach my daughters to love their hair and to avoid toxic chemicals that not only harm their hair, ...