2. Learn How to Grow From Cuttings Save money bypropagating plants like rosemary and lavenderfrom cuttings. This is cheaper than buying the plants from the store and can be easy if you follow all of the directions. Be sure to use rooting hormone, as it makes the process faster and more ...
For fresh green onions:Cut a bit of the root ends from cooking onions (leaving an inch or so of flesh) or from a bunch of scallions and plant them in a pot of moist growing medium. You can even plant a whole cooking onion that’s begun to sprout. Trim blades for use as the new ...
The most common way of propagating horseradish is by using the root cuttings instead of throwing them out. It’s cost-effective for you to replant the part you don’t use. Give the root cuttings or crowns a good soaking with water in the late evening before planting day to rehydrate the...
Did you know that Growing Green Onions in Water is the perfect frugal way to make your Green Onions really last! How to Grow Basil From Cuttings Expand your basil garden this year with this simple trick for How to Grow Basil From Cuttings! How to Grow Rosemary from Cuttings Growing your o...
How to grow a great garden. Home gardening guides, techniques, tips, FAQs. A to Zs for how to grow just about any plant. Gardener's Network.
How to Grow Sage from Cuttings in Water No more trips to the grocery store every time you need to pick up some Sage! Now you’ll know How to Grow Sage from Cuttings in Water! Growing Green Onions in Water Did you know that Growing Green Onions in Water is the perfect frugal way to...
Astilbes (Astilbespp.) are clump-forming perennials belonging to thesaxifragefamily and arising from a stout rootstock. The upright stems bear fern-like green foliage and feathery plumes extending above the foliage in shades of pink, red, purple, or white. The flower clusters vary in size fro...
fall, before it has begun to flower. Take cuttings when plants are 6 inches tall and bear dime-sized leaves. Leave 4 inches of growth and watercress will give you another harvest in autumn. Watercress also makes for an excellentmicro greenthat can be enjoyed when it is just two inches ...
Depending on what part of the county you are from, some say add the garlic first, other say add the onions and then the garlic. Check out my next blog on how to grow garlic with a few recipes included. Here’s to your good health. ...
Let’s look at how to grow prickly pear cacti from seed. Growing Prickly Pear Cacti From Seed First, you’ll need to harvest the seeds from ripe fruit. Once you’ve rinsed the pulp from the seeds, you can let them dry. You’ll need to soften up the seed’s tough outer coating by...