Orange trees need lots of sunlight to thrive, so choose asunny spot that's protected from wind.You also need plenty of space for the tree to grow, so consider proximity to other trees, your home and other structures in the area. A reasonable expectation for standard orange trees is a hei...
To help identify the different types of persimmons and to know if they’re ripe, I made the quick video below. You can see how you might want to eat the Fuyus and Hachiyas differently. While many supermarkets carry the Asian varieties of these fruits, the persimmon has important roots in...
How to Plant, Grow, and Care For ‘Fuyu’ Persimmon 31 Fabulous Fig Varieties for Your Home and Garden 31 Watermelon Varieties You Can Grow This Season Houseplants 5 Steps For Healthy Houseplants this Spring With spring on the horizon, it’s time to start setting your houseplants up for sum...
Pawpaw seeds are relatively large, and easy to remove, not unlike those of a Fuyu persimmon. Where Do Pawpaws Grow? Unless you live in the Midwest, fresh pawpaw can be difficult to find, especially outside of its short season—a few weeks in late summer throughout Southern states like ...
crisp, exotic, fuyu, kaki, persimmon, raw, sharon fruit, soft, sour, sweet Alright, I took a serious long blog break. I have unedited photos and half-written posts galore for you all, but somehow (oh, I don’t know, running a new business while parenting a 2 year old and a new...
Dwarf fruit trees -- peach included -- are bred to make it possible to grow fruit trees in small spaces. It increases fruit size and yields by limiting the demands on the tree's nutritional resources. Dwarf peach trees are pruned while the plant is dormant -- without leaves. That is usu...
Avocados grow on trees which have been grafted. This means that the tissue of avocado seedling has been mixed with the tissue of a fruit-bearing tree, resulting in a tree that will produce big, tasty avocados. Although an avocado can grow from a seed, th
Growing Chinese fruit trees give a home gardener exercise, enjoyment and exotic fruit. Plant the Chinese fruit trees in an area exposed to full sunlight. They will grow well in partial shade, but the fruit quality and quantity decreases. When choosing yo