More than anything – your dragon fruit plant wants the sunshine its cactus-y heart deserves. If you can't provide that at home, supplement with some fake sunshine froman LED growlightto increase your success. I never provided this and, as such, we do not have a warm and loving rel...
Grow Dragon Fruit From Cuttings There are many unusual fruits in the world, but few are more exotic than the weird and wonderful dragon fruit. This tropical, vining plant is a cactus and native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. Though it is possible to g...
Like most types of succulents, cacti prefer a potting mix that is acidic to neutral. Cacti – including the ruby ball cactus – are slow-growing plants and growbetween 0.4” and 1.1” (1 – 3 cm) per year. Usually, moon cactus plants are sold almost fully grown. Cactus plants can live...
Working a stone's throw away from Chinatown means that I walk by fresh fruit stands several times a day. This is the time of year when fresh dragon fruit becomes available. Also known aspitaya, it's the fruit of a cactus originally from the Americas, though these days it's widely grow...
When it is on the cactus it will have thorns that are removed prior to harvesting. There are three different types of dragon fruits Hylocereus megalanthus: This is yellow dragon fruit. This dragon fruit has yellow skin on the outside and white flesh on the inside with black seeds. The ...
The perfume of the Night Queen smells strong and sweet, similar to the scent of a Jasmine flower. Does Queen of the Night produce fruit? Once the blooms die, if they were pollinated, the cactus may produce fruit. The four-inch fruits are juicy, red, and sweet. They are edible and de...
The fishbone cactus (also called zig-zag or ric-rac cactus) is a type of jungle cactus that thrives as a houseplant. If you got your hands on one, here’s what you need to know to grow Disocactus anguliger at home and make it bloom!
Extract the seeds from a ripe pomegranate, rinse them well to remove any flesh, and allow them to completely dry. Plant the seeds in potting soil, water well, and place in a sunny, warm location. Pomegranate seeds will germinate in about six weeks. Dragon Fruit Part of the ...
Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit native to southern Mexico and Central America. While they might look like a melon because of their size (growing to be up to a pound), they actually fall into the berry family. Something else that adds to their mystique? They grow on huge cacti that flow...
If you’d like to grow an Epiphyllum, forget what you know about how much and how often to water a cactus. Unlike their desert cousins, jungle cacti don’t like for their soil to dry out fully. The habitats they naturally occur in can get pretty wet, after all!