For those that want to know as to how to grow basil, we are listing down a few important steps that will help you grow them easily. So, read these carefully: Growing basil is simple, but, you must know the exact or proper time to start planting. Basil grows best during June. In ca...
Be sure you’re using large containers that can support your plants’ growth or you’ll wind up with stunted plants. While microgreens don’t need much space, a tomato plant will require a pot that gives them at least a square foot to grow in. Bigger is better. Make sure that the sel...
Gardzen 10-Pack 10 Gallon Grow Bags When to plant tomatoes Tomato seedlings are tender and easily fall prey to disease, pests, and unpredictable changes in weather. Starting tomato seeds indoors is a good strategy. Sow tomato seeds in a seed-starting mix 6 to 8 weeks before you plan to ...
Dill grown in pots need room for deep roots and room for stakes, and can grow up to 3 feet tall. Fennel, dill and carrots all compete for moisture, so it is good idea to plant in different areas. Black swallowtail larval love to feast on fennel and dill, so don’t be surprise if ...
Basil, a plant native to Southeast Asia, is a popular choice for gardeners all over the world and a highly valued ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. It
Kale grows best in loamy soil; add a moderate amount of well-rotted manure or compost to the planting bed ahead of plants. The flavor and texture of kale will decline when grown in light, sandy soils or heavy, clayey soils. Soil too rich in nitrogen can cause kale to grow extra-succule...
How to Grow Yam in a Pot If you live in a place where the autumns are mild and you’d like to cultivate your yam vines as ornamental plants, A small, 3- or 4-inch pot for seedlings should have adequate drainage. Put about 1/3 of the pot with potting mixture, then add soil to ...
This post will show you How to Freeze Basil, and frozen basil is a wonderful thing to have in the freezer when basil is out of season!
Tomato plants perform best in mildly acidic, rich, and moderately moist soil. They like loamy (a mixture of clay, silt, and sand) soils, but they can grow in average garden soil as long as the soil is well-drained. They have been known to grow in clay but are not likely to thrive...
Keep peppers covered until daytime temperatures average in the mid-80°sF. Harden off pepper starts before transplanting them into the garden. Put seedlings in a warm, sheltered place outdoors for a few hours each day to harden them off; do this for 10 days before transplanting. Don’t ...