Do not use hay, which is grown as animal feed and, as you know, is for horses. It also contains tall grass, alfalfa, clover or other seed heads that would sprout along with your bulb plants and make a mess of your garden come spring. Straw, the stalk of a grain crop that remains...
No matter where you obtain your hay, awareness of important factors related to maximizing the nutrient value of the hay you feed your horses is of great value. Whether you grow your own hay, purchase it from a local grower, or a feed store, it is important to know that the timing of ...
Oat hay is a harvested forage or feed of stalks, leaves and heads from oat crop rather from grass or alfalfa. The oat crop is grown specifically for hay instead of harvested for grain. This oat hay produces a high protein feed suitable for cattle, horses and sheep. The oats are planted...
Alfalfa (also called lucerne hay) Straw (make sure it’s weed- and pesticide-free) Finished compost How to make a no-dig garden bed I started with about 10 sheets of newspaper layered in the bottom of the tub. In my case, they were less for weed suppression, and more for adding brow...
Its primary use is as feed for high-producing dairy cows, because of its high protein content and highly digestible fiber. Other uses include feed for beef cattle, horses, sheep and goats. Humans also eat alfalfa sprouts in salads and sandwiches. Indeed, it’s being increasingly grown in gar...
The development of therapies for the treatment of infectious, autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological and inflammatory diseases, as well as cancer have benefited from the abundant diversity of natural products, which allows them to interact with many cell receptors and induces cell death. The advantage...
(Managing Editor's Note: Below is the 7 part series in full for you to share, FB, Tweet. Thank you.) By Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill 1. The Wrong Narrative. Polio is the iconic epidemic, its conquest one of medicine’s heroic...
Donkeys, with their sweet faces and gentle, intelligent nature, make wonderful pets. They don't deserve their reputation for stubbornness: in fact, they're smart and contemplative. Donkeys need a few acres of space, a dry place to sleep...
Don't use the same charger that you would use for horses, because that doesn't provide enough power to be of much effect on cattle. Third is to make sure the fence isn't shorted by plants or any other bad connection to another fence. Finally, make sure the animals are trained to ...