After plotting a graph with the given values how can we display the x and y coordinates of some points on the graph automatically without placing the cursor there? Is there any function to enter the points whose coordinates are to be displayed?
There are a number of other small improvements that we can make to this graph, such as: Deleting the graph title Adding the Y axis title "Mitotic Index" Selecting the Y axis and X axis titles, Y axis labels, X axis labels, and legend text to un-bold the font, decrease t...
If I want to plot additional lines on this figure, or add text using text() function, I need to reference the (x,y) position on the bar graph. However, I'm limited in which x-positions I choose, since vector a only references x positions at the center of each category. Is ...
How do I find a picture/image on the screen and get the x,y coordinates? - C#.NET How do i find the middle point/s coordinates between two points? How do I fix error await operator can only be used within an async method? how do I get from bindingsource the value of a particula...
To show your x-axis in years with 1 year increment better to transform your x-values into dates with helper column, like =DATE(INT(C19)+100,1,MOD(C19,1)*(DATE(INT(C19)+1,1,1)-DATE(INT(C19),1,1))) After that use Yrs instead of time as your x-axis and format...
p.Parent.YTick = [];%remove the y ticks lbl = num2cell(y);%convert the number to a cell so it can be read using the text function below text(x,y,lbl)%put the labels on the graph in the default location You can also customize where you ...
Oracle Reports Developer - Version and later: How to Remove the X-axis and Y-axis Labels in Graph
How to standardize x-axis units from real data in a line graph or scatter plot? I am trying to chart a variable (called RR) against a real number of years and create a chart like the one below. Unfortunately, I had to capture the inputs by setting the RR v...
The answer to your question is that you already have "a" and "b" so you have the "x,y coordinates" that you're requesting. Like Zoltan already told you, there is no need to call get() to extract it from the plot when it was ...
Origin for Polar coordinates Cartesian Form Cartesian Plane (X Y Graph) Definition ACartesian planeis a graph with one x-axis and one y-axis (that’s why it’s sometimes called an X Y graph). These two axes are perpendicular to each other. Theorigin(O) is in the exact center of the...