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What are even and odd functions (in math)? An even function is one whose graph exhibits symmetry about the y-axis; an odd function is one whose graph exhibits symmetry about the origin. Which is a fancy way of saying that, if you split the graphs down the middle at the y-axis, an...
From what I know about rational functions and vertical asymptotes (of which, this function has one), I know that the graph will go forever upward and forever downward, so the range is indeed everything other than y = 0. I'll use this to find the domain and range of my inverse. Here...
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In the previous section, covering horizontal asymptotes, we learned how to deal with rational functions where the degree of the numerator was equal to or less than that of the denominator. But what happens if the degree is greater in the numerator than in the denominator? MathHelp.comRecall...
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