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such as 1.33333..., either convert it to a fraction such as 1 1/3, or round it off: 1.33. A graph question will ask you to bubble in coordinates on a graph, so review how agraph is organized-- the x-axis is the graph's horizontal axis, and the y-axis is its vertical axis....
This paper focuses on students’ mathematical discourse emerging from interactions in the digital environment GeoGebra, in which one can construct vir
When studying quadratic and polynomial functions, I begin by having students tell me everything they see on a graph. They mention things like y-intercepts, x-intercepts, high points and low points. We useTRACEand the commands in theCALCmenu to find these points if they aren’t apparent by...
Researchers typically used quadratic functions to model the costs of green technology investments. In terms of subsidy policies, Bi et al., 2017, Bian and Zhao, 2020, Krass et al., 2013 and Lu & Sun (2021) studied the green technology investment decisions of firms under government green ...
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