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Using block_focus() for the sg.Button elements prevents focus on buttons using either Tab or arrow keys. The buttons need focus, but not the outline. There is a property in the ttk Style for buttons that might turn off the outline, according to this from New Mexico Tech. I haven't ...
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From the original graph one can create a graph made by only one of the two sets. In this respect this is similar to what happen in technological systems where the number of e-mails7, likes on Facebook8, or retweet between two persons9, becomes a number assessing the strength of an ...
This approach is illustrated by a study on students' project work during an excursion to a mathematics research workplace. Keywords: authentic aspects; authenticity; certification of authenticity; excursions to workplaces; future professional practices; mathematics project work; secondary mathematics ...
Protein engineering based on genetic modification is a technology used to change the primary structure of proteins or to improve the rigidity of their structures by replacing amino acids to change protein properties [17–20]. Drobecq et al. changed the cysteine residue to alanine in small ...
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听力原文:Passengers, attention, please.This is the railway station broadcasting.The new timetable of the railway will come into effect on May 18th, 2009.You can check and download the new timetable on the... A. The railway station is apologizing to public. B. The new railway timetable wi...