Before you cangraph a functionon your TI-84 Plus calculator, you must enter it into the calculator. The calculator can handle up to ten functions at once,Y1throughY9andY0. To enter functions in the calculator, perform the following steps: Press [MODE] and put the calculator in ...
The equation of a parabola is a second-degree polynomial, also known as a quadratic function. Scientists model many natural processes with parabolic curves. For instance, in physics, the equation of projectile motion is a second-degree polynomial. Use a TI-84 graphing calculator to draw parabolas...
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Using the recently improved Transformation app on the TI-84 Plus CE provides an illustration of the movement that changing the value ofbhas on the graph. Here are the steps to graph the function using the Transformation app: PressŒ}and choose theTransfrmto start the app running. Press o ...
" point is an intersection point, the TI-84 Plus will give that as an answer. To check if the functions are the same over a range of numbers, look at the table and compare values of Y1 and Y2 for the same values of X (this is described inStep 3: Graph the Functions)....
Missouri Western State University: Basic Graphing Functions for the TI-83 and TI-84 CPM Educational Program: TI-84: Non-Linear Regressions CK-12: Using the Graphing Calculator to Graph Quadratic Equations Dummies: Exponents and Roots on the TI-84 Plus Calculator ...
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