The equation of a parabola is a second-degree polynomial, also known as a quadratic function. Scientists model many natural processes with parabolic curves. For instance, in physics, the equation of projectile motion is a second-degree polynomial. Use a TI-84 graphing calculator to draw parabolas...
How do you graph trig functions on a TI-84?To graph a trigonometric function on a TI-84, first make sure that all the "modes" match; that is, make sure that you have everything set either to "degrees" or to "radians". I have things set to radians, so I'll show how to graph...
Before you can graph a function on your TI-84 Plus calculator, you must enter it into the calculator. The calculator can handle up to ten functions at once, Y1 through Y9 and Y0. To enter functions in the calculator, perform the following steps: Press [MODE] and put the calculator in...
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" point is an intersection point, the TI-84 Plus will give that as an answer. To check if the functions are the same over a range of numbers, look at the table and compare values of Y1 and Y2 for the same values of X (this is described inStep 3: Graph the Functions)....
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CPM Educational Program: TI-84: Non-Linear Regressions CK-12: Using the Graphing Calculator to Graph Quadratic Equations Dummies: Exponents and Roots on the TI-84 Plus Calculator Cite This Article MLA Beck, Kevin. "How To Use A Graphing Calculator",
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