Select Topic Area Question Body Can't find any buttons to grant admin rights to one or more collaborators. And it upsets me a lot) 1 Replies: 1 comment Oldest Newest Top Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Category...
There are two ways to access any GitHub repository. They areHTTPSandSSH. Most of you are usingHTTPS. But, now you come to know that it’s not an efficient way to use theHTTPSmethod for cloning the private repositories. Accessing includes cloning, pushing, pulling, etc..; anything that’s...
Is physical access to your server/network a possible attack vector? Will you be opening ports on your router so you can access your server from outside your home? Will you be hosting a file share on your server that will be mounted on a desktop class machine? What is the possibility of...
Here's how to add Projects to teams:In the top right corner of, select your profile photo and choose Your organizations. Select the name of your organization. Navigate to the Teams tab and select the name of the team to which you want to grant access. Select Projects an...
If your storage data is behind a VNet or firewall, you must deploy the Document Intelligence Sample Labeling tool behind your VNet or firewall and grant access by creating a system-assigned managed identity. You use the Docker engine to run the Sample Labeling tool. Follow these steps to set...
They have both read and write access to the repository, merge incoming pull requests, and much more. Here’s how to add a collaborator: Go to the repository page on GitHub. This is the repository you want to add collaborators to. Click on the Settings tab at the top right. Under ...
--data '{"client_id" : "<clientid>","client_secret":"<clientsecret>","grant_type" : "client_credentials"}'6. Go to the json-logger folder you downloaded. Open the file in a text editor and find the Maven command (on line 27?).Open a text editor and ...
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:A Scaleway account logged into the console From your Organization dashboard, click Billing in the top right drop-down menu. The Billing dashboard displays.Click the Payment and billing tab....
In theConfigured permissions, remove the delegatedUser.Readpermission underMicrosoft Graphby selecting the right of the permission and selectingRemove permission. SelectYes, removeto confirm. Select theGrant admin consent for...button, then selectYesto grant admin consent for the configured ...
Once the application starts, it will request authorization through your browser to allowGoogle Drive FTPaccess to your data. Follow the prompts to grant permission. Choose a Google Account to continue Allow Google Drive FTP Adapter to access your Google Drive and its contents ...