Step 1: Open the Phone app on your iPhone and go to the dialer.Step 2: Tap and hold 1 to call the voicemail. Now, follow the instructions to listen to your voicemails.Method 2: Play From the Voicemail Tab (For Visual Voicemail/Live Voicemail)If your carrier supports visual voicemail, ...
Open theMessages appand go inside a conversation. On iPhone or iPad, tap and hold thered audio iconand then speak what you want to say. You can lift your hold once it starts recording. On Mac, click thegray audio iconin the typing box to start and stop the recording. After you finis...
If this is the case, keep reading to learn more about how to turn off voicemail on your iPhone. How to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone With MMI Codes You may be able to turn your iPhone voicemail off directly usingMMI codes. These are special codes that you dial into the Phone app, whic...
i cannot set up my voicemail on my new iphone 12 mini How do I set up voicemail on my iPhone 12 mini 4 years ago 315 1 Voicemail I’m now using iphone 7 plus ,well my problem is I can’t set up my voicemail. Instead of the showing “set up voicemail” it tells to call vo...
#1.AnyTrans – All-in-one Solutions on iPhone Data Management AnyTrans can help you transfer all voicemails from the old iPhone to the new iPhone at once, and works well from the old iPhone to the new iPhone. Besides voicemails, it also can help youtransfer other data to the new iPhone...
If you've just bought your first iPhone, or if you're one of the many people who just never got around to setting up their voicemail until now, you may be wondering how to open and listen to voicemail on your phone. You'll also want to learn how to delet
Don’t know how to check your Voicemail on iPhone? Get to know everything about Voicemail in this article.
How to set up voicemail on iPhone Step 1: Go to the phone app Go to yourPhoneapp to access your voicemail Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet ThePhoneapp is the green icon with a handset on it, where you go to make your calls, can see contact and recent call information, and access your vo...
Voicemail is a carrier feature, so if you no longer wish to have voicemail on your line, you need to contact your cell carrier. If that's not what you mean, please post back and explain further what you wish to disable. Regards. Reply of 1 How...
For the most part, setting up voicemail on iPhone is the same, no matter which carrier you use. We'll go through the basic steps first, then look at any carrier-specific quirks you may run into during the setup process. To get started with voicemail, follow these steps: ...