Ascended masters are beings that have already lived on this earth, gone through a spiritual awakening but have become enlightened, awakened or have transcended the cycle of reincarnation. Thus, ascended masters represent the ultimate teachers and gateways to the divine. It is said that ascended mast...
For centuries, indigenous people throughout the world have known that to fully explore the depths ofthe Souland reunite with Spirit,we must go on a spiritual journey into the unknown lands within ourselves. Many ancient cultures had Elders andShamansto encourage and oversee these journeys toward a...
Go Back How to Relate To People While You Are Going Through Your Spiritual Awakening + CallersElisa MedhusMay 29, 2021in ChannelingIf you want to talk to Erik during any future show, call in to 646-716-9735. Host: Elisa Medhus: Spir...
and even suicidality. We have within clinical science a road map that says that depression is an invitation to awakening. Our traditions around the world have known this for a long time, but clinical science now says there is indeed a road map. Through despair is an opening ...
We're talking about the science of spirituality. I'm sure everyone listening has a unique concept of what spirituality means to them. So today we'll walk through the vast array of ways we can be part of a spiritual experience and learn what scientific studies tell us about spiritu...
Do You Need A Spiritual Awakening? Do You Need A Spiritual Revival? Do You Need Emotional Encouragement? Do You Need Employment? Do You Need God? Do You Need Help? Do You Need More Faith? Do You Need Some Christian Affirmation? Do You Need Some Grace? Do You Need To Chat? Do You ...
to supercharge your manifesting power start manifesting get more guidance I can be your spiritual coach—anytime, anywhere! Develop a life-changing spiritual practice in just 3 minutes a day with my. Spiritual solutions to life’s common problems. ...
Do You Need A Spiritual Awakening?Do You Need A Spiritual Revival?Do You Need Emotional Encouragement?Do You Need Employment?Do You Need God?Do You Need Help?Do You Need More Faith?Do You Need Some Christian Affirmation?Do You Need Some Grace?Do You Need To Chat?
Unlike the physical plane, it’s not a singular place but a multi-layered reality beyond time and space. Yet this plane is connected to our physical plane, as there is interconnectedness among all things. In fact, your thoughts, emotions, and intentions can influence the spiritual plane and ...
Journaling became a tool for reflection, a way to pour out my thoughts and start seeing my experiences as the seeds of a spiritual awakening. This introspection led me to explore self-discovery systems, such as numerology, which opened new avenues of understanding and self-awareness. A pivotal...